mechanic is Repairing Car Body
What to Do If Your Panel Beater Becomes Damaged
A panel beater is quite simply a phrase most often used in Britain and Australia, which is a panel beater task description roughly equivalent to an auto body shop in the U.S. Panel beaters work in conjunction with paint guns and/or sprayers to mend cars and bring them back to factory clearances once some type of damage has been done. The actual procedure begins by carefully removing the motor cover (e.g., chassis) from the car and clearing the car of debris. After this, the panel beater removes the plastic shield over the engine and the metal underbody. Next they will gain access to the rubber underbody seal and begin to either manually or via a hoist, pull off this seal and begin the process of removal of the motor mounts and the rubber outer edge of the doors and windows.
The fact that panel beater vehicles come with so many different options makes them a favorite choice for many professional repairs. For those who may not be quite as familiar with some of the process and terminology employed within the industry there is actually quite a bit of helpful information available online and elsewhere. Those who are working on their own vehicle restorations can find a wealth of information both in books written on the subject and via DVDs and other media as well. While others may feel more comfortable consulting with others in the industry it is always recommended that one first learns all that is needed to know about panel beaters before going forward.
Whether a person is working on their own vehicle restoration or just repairing another vehicle’s bodywork this tool is essential for doing so safely. As previously stated if one is using a manual panel beater they must be mindful of any hidden dangers which can easily cause damage to the vehicle. This includes, but is not limited to: hammering the bodywork too hard or too softly or hitting the edge of the body paneling. Any of these actions can lead to the springing of the wing leading to unsightly dents and dings.
To help ensure that damaged panels are repaired without causing any more harm a motorcyclist should wear proper safety gear when performing any kind of bodywork repair. Not only will this help to prevent injury to oneself as well as others, but it can help to ensure that the panel beater that is being used is safely in place and is not in danger of coming loose while the repair is in progress. There are some common sense safety precautions to take when repairing or replacing a damaged panel. These include:
Wearing protection like safety glasses and gloves when working with any type of metal equipment is essential. One should never attempt any type of repairs on any piece of metal that is bent, damaged or has a groove or ding in it. If there are damaged panels to be replaced there is no way to know which ones are damaged without actually seeing them. This is why protecting your eyes can sometimes mean saving your life. It is important that the damage to the panels is limited to just the edges, because if the entire panel is damaged, the repair may prove to be substantially more difficult and longer than anticipated.
When performing any type of panel beater jobs, you should always remember to wear proper safety gear including gloves, safety glasses and perhaps ear muffs or plugs to protect your ears. The proper tools and equipment should always be close at hand, such as a jack, hammer, panel beater gun and anything else you feel you need to use. These items should always be kept in a safe place and accessible at all times. Once the repairs have been completed, you should thoroughly wipe down the work area so that any leftover oil or dirt does not get left behind. The last thing you want is for any part or item to leave moisture behind that can further affect the original condition of the panel beater.
If your panel beater does become damaged through an accident or even simple misuse, there is no need to panic. There are many different repair options available and most of them are fairly simple to perform. In fact, many mechanics will suggest that you perform these types of repairs on your own because it can save them time and money by allowing them to avoid paying a mechanic to come out and do the repairs. If you choose to attempt repairs on your own, you can try to salvage any body parts that seem to be working and use them in their replacement.
Most people find that trying to perform some small repairs on your own makes the job go faster and will also save them money. You can get small dents and dings in almost any piece of equipment with a little bit of grit. These repairs can often be done quite quickly when compared to larger and more complicated repairs which can take weeks or months to complete. If you are considering doing some minor repairs on your own to save money but you are worried about harming the piece of equipment, you should consult with a mechanic before performing any type of bodywork or collision repair work. They will be able to give you advice on what damages should be fixed and how much time should be allowed for these repairs to be completed.